"Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letterbox..." |
Tina Kukla’s The Beatles: Live at 12 Cold Creek Street has been a favorite amongst the fan
fiction crowd for years. Since this interview in 2001, Tina's acclaimed novel has been published into
book form!
Let me just tell you, right here at the beginning, that this is really a pleasure for me because your story 'The Beatles Live at 12 Cold Creek Street' was one of the first beatles fan fictions that I ever read! How long have you been writing beatles related fan fiction?
Oh, thank you. Compliments are always nice to receive!
I've been writing it for quite a while, even before the advent of the Internet really helped the genre take off. I think I was around 11 when I wrote my first Beatles-related story--it was about a girl who met the Beatles on an airplane to England. I wrote it for myself, never really intending for anyone else to read it....
So your first story was written when you were eleven-- of course, now I have to ask how long have you been a fan of the boys? And just *why* did you become a fan in the first place?
I've been a Beatle fan since I was about 8 years old, and it hasn't stopped since then. The thing that got me hooked on them was a documentary my parents taped off of tv called "The Compleat Beatles" (a *really* good documentary, btw). I watched it and I loved the music and how goofy the lads were, and I pretty much wore out the tape by watching it so much! I loved the music--they seemed to have such fun in the early days, at least, and the music just really affected me in a way that few other bands ever have.
I think that goes for most of us too! So, were you a bit of a writer to begin with? Was it and is it a hobby of yours?
Yes, I've been writing for almost as long as I can remember. I used to make all sorts of "books" for myself when I was in grade school. Later on, a few of my friends in junior high and I used to trade stories back and forth. I did tons and tons of writing while I was bored in class in high school study hall, too; mostly short stories and a very badly-written historical novel about World War I. It's still a hobby of mine. I write a lot of other things besides Beatle fan fics, and it's definitely a way for me to unwind at the end of the day.
Did your stories (the Beatles ones, specifically) ever fall into. . . let's say. . . the *wrong* hands?
(laughs) No, those didn't, thank god! I kept them well-guarded, especially after my younger brother got a hold of my diary and started reading it!
The horror of it all! That's what brothers are for, though, right ? So then when did you discover that there was an entire breed of Beatles fans who absolutely adored fan fiction?
Well... I was writing 12CCS basically for myself and my close friends to read--I never thought of posting any of it online. One day online I ran across Diane's "Into My Life" and thought, hey, if she's putting her Beatle story online, maybe I should give it a shot. I put the first five or so chapters of my story on my website in 1997 and gave them a quick advertisement on a web board I posted to, just to see if anyone would check it out. Surprisingly, the thread on the web board continued on for weeks as people started reading the story and adding their comments about it!
And I *know* that they were all positive ones at that! It really is a wonderful story, Tina. Where exactly did you get the idea for it? Or was it more of a gradual thing, you know?
The idea for it came about from a good number of sources, and they all sort of snowballed together into the main plot of the story. First off, I don't think there's any Beatle fans out there who HAVEN'T thought about what might happen if they met the Beatles, so that was something everyone could relate to...
oh yes: every girls' *fantasty* to say the least!
Oh yes, including me! There were tons of other things that inspired the plot. There's an old episode of the Dick Van Dyke show where that British duo Chad and Jeremy came to town, and they had to stay at Dick's house, unbeknownst to the teenage girl living
next door. It was really a cute episode, and I thought, Wouldn't it be fun if that actually happened to the Beatles? I know there's a ton of other things that eventually helped shape the story, but those are the ones I remember the best.
Oh, the things that inspire us, eh? And what about actually *writing* the beatles as characters. As fans we feel we know the boys-- was it relatively easy for you to put words in their mouths? And who was the most difficult character to capture?
It wasn't too bad writing the dialogue for the Fabs. Those Good Morning Good Morning skits that are on my site--those were written a couple years before 12CCS, just to amuse my close friends. Those skits are, obviously, pure dialogue, so I had to pay attention to exactly what they were saying. It was really good practice for the future.
As for creating the characters in the fan fics, Paul was easy as pie to write about (when you obsess over him as much and as long as I have, it's simple!). It wasn't too hard writing John, either. I have the worst time writing George and Ringo, which is why they do sort of get the short end of the stick in my stories...But when they do appear, I tried my best to make them credible.
Great job on all. And I was going to ask you about the whole Paul romance: apparently he's your favorite Fab, eh?
Gee, how'd you get that impression?! Yes he is--always has been
And the other characters in the story: was 'Claire' pretty much written after your younger brother (the whole diary incident) and are *You* pretty similar to 'Laurie Donaldson'?
Well, certain incidents with Claire were based on experiences of mine (the diary one included, though it wasn't *quite* as bad in real life). Claire is based partly on my younger sister--Jen's 7 years younger than me (same age range between Laurie and Claire), and it really does feel like there's a generation gap within those years.
I was in college, Jen was still in grade school, but there were always things we had a common interest in (reading, certain guys, etc.), and that's what initially helped us appreciate one another as we grew up.
As for Laurie, yes, she's based a *lot* on me and my experiences! The college she goes to is the same one I attended (and currently work at). She went into the education field.... She loves the Beatles (especially Macca)... She has parents that just don't *get it* about certain things... She has a penchant for complaining about nuns... Yep, that's a lot like me!
I had a *sneaky* suspicion it was! But that's a good thing for you: 'Laurie' is one of the best loved characters in the beatles fan fiction genre, after all! And do you have a favorite scene in the novel 12 Cold Creek Street?
Yep, it seems like a LOT of people relate to Laurie on a personal level, since she's very authentic (a bit over-the-top sometimes, but a good lass in general).
A favorite scene of mine..... hmm.... The one that's coming to mind right now is that very short moment where Paul and Laurie are checking out the Amphitheater before the show, and Paul gives her that smile and kisses her hand. It's sort of a "quiet moment" for them amidst all that's going on around them with the setup for the concert,
and it's really the first moment they acknowledge they like each other. Another favorite moment would be when the Beatles were making faces at their fans through the limo window on the way to the concert (another scene inspired by a picture of them I saw). They're just the type to do something like that!
I loved that! And of course, my favorite bit is with Paul in Laurie's befroom and he says: "Leave it off, luv". I think I had to fan myself after that one!
(Laughs) Oh, yes, that's one that gets a lot of comments from readers. I've actually expanded that scene a little bit in the re-write I'm doing
Did you say re-write? Does this mean that we're going to be getting *more* of the story soon? And really, any other Beatles works you have in the planning?
Well, I'm trying to clean up the story a bit before submitting it for actual book publication (which I hope happens soon--I want to throw the story out the window at this point from looking at it so much!). There's at least 3 or 4 new scenes I've added to it that fill in a couple of holes in the original story. Nothing major in the plot has been altered--it's just been expanded.
Besides the re-write, I'm *trying* to work on two other fan fics right now (one is a Christmas one, actually, that I hope to get done in the next couple weeks so it's ready for the holiday season). The other fic... well, I'd rather not say much and get hopes up too high... but Laurie's story *might not* be quite over yet, if you get my drift!
*Rubs hands in eager anticipation* What a terrific Christmas present *that* will be! And publication! Oh, how fantastic! Not many Fan Fictions make it into the printed word, do they?
Very few have made it into book form, from what I know of. There's 4 that come to mind, and I think those are it: "Love is All You Need" by Regina Burch.... a story called "Imagined" (can't remember the author).... and two anthologies of works from the Rooftop Sessions website. And mine, once I get the darn thing in final form.
I'd love it if my story sold to people other than Beatle fans.... but for that to happen, the book would need wide exposure, and that probably won't happen because it's such an oddball topic!
Oddball topic, yes, but the point is that it is a good *story*, and I am really keeping my fingers crossed for you! ("Imagined" yes-- Thomas Reed's the name. Love that one) And speaking of other fan fictions: Do *you* have a personal favorite(s)?
I've actually started reading a lot more fics now that I have a semester off from grad classes and have *all* this free time on my hands. The ones I like are the standard favorites--I always liked "Into My Life." I also recently read "Like Dreamers Do" --whew! *Quite* interesting! There's a handful of ones on Rooftop Sessions I also enjoy!
Those are all great ones, agreed! Do you have any advice for the many aspiring fan fiction writers out there? They all look up to established writers like you.
Well, to start with, writers need to make sure they do their research when writing a fan fic. Even the best-conceived stories can be ruined if there are too many historical inaccuracies in them, even in sci-fi or alternate history stories.
Also--and this is key for ANY writing--run the stories through spell-check and grammar-check before posting them. The work is going to look way too amateur-ish otherwise and people are not going to hang around to read the story.
Other bits of advice... Try not to turn the writing into a chore (I'm guilty of this way too often)--keep it fun!... DON'T start posting chapters of a longer story until you've got it finished (or have at least completed a first draft). Writing a story to-order is really difficult; I learned the hard way when writing Days in the Life! It took me 2 years to finish it!
All very good advice from one of the best out there!
oh thank you !
Well, it's the truth! Tina, I am afraid that we’ve run out of time here. But I really want to thank you once again for taking the time out to speak with me! May I just wish you the best of luck in all that you do and we all really hope to read something more from you very soon!
Visit Tina at her website Beatle Girl's World, and don't forget to check out the sequel to 12 Cold Creek Street,
Days in the Life.
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